Other Engineering Consultant Clients
Riverside Library and Cultural Center
A single story, new construction, 31,400 square feet library for the High Plains Library District and City of Evans, Colorado. The HVAC systems consist of rooftop hot water and DX cooling, variable air volume and under floor air distribution for the library. High efficiency, condensing boilers with a design alternative for ground source heat pumps. The plumbing system consisted of waste, vent and water piping to support public restrooms, a kitchenette and future coffee shop. This project was a U.S.G.B.C, LEED Project.
Project Details
High Plains Library District and City of Evans
Evans, CO
Project Photos

Blue Moon Brewing Company and Restaurant
McGrath worked with Roth Sheppard Architects on the complete remodel of an existing warehouse into the Blue Moon Brewing Company and Restaurant. The building includes a 11,400-square foot of brewery and support spaces, 1,780 square feet of office area, 8,280 square feet of restaurant and bar seating, stage area and retail shop, 1,700 square feet of commercial kitchen and support spaces and 2,700 square feet of tour, meeting room and special tasting room.
The building is conditioned with gas heat, DX cooling roof top units, a gas fired evaporative make-up air unit makes up air exhausted by the kitchen hoods, and various exhaust fans serve toilet rooms, scullery area, the brew house. The equipment is installed on structural steel platforms above the barrel roof.
The plumbing system includes stainless steel waste piping from the brewery to a sampling man hole, grease waste from the kitchen to a grease interceptor and sanitary piping from the toilet rooms and other miscellaneous spaces. Domestic water and natural gas systems were designed to support the various restaurant, office and brewery needs.
Project Details
Denver, CO
Project Photos

Other Notable Projects
Mardi Gras Casino – Black Hawk, CO – Completed in 2005
Viewhouse Restaurant – Centennial, CO – Completed in 2015
Adams County Government Center – Brighton, CO – Completed in 2012
Outlook Ridge Apartment Complex – Pueblo, CO – Completed in 2015
Uncorked Kitchen – Centennial, CO – Completed 2017